How Does Marketing Affects Website Design!

Increase Your Conversion Rates With Affective Marketing On Your Website

All E-commerce platforms are different and all web designs are unique. However there are 4 guidelines that can be applied to 99 per cent of websites which don’t only want to attract visitors, but want to turn them into regular customers.

  1. Content placement. Important content has to be highlighted and put at the top of the page. Research conducted by Jakob Nielsen* on “How People Read on the Web” shows that people mainly focus on the top of the page. It is unlikely that your content will be read word for word, and people will rather scan over it. For this reason, keywords and information you want people to concentrate on needs to be highlighted.
  1. Readable information. Your headlines have to be catchy and encourage visitors to continue reading. The use of short sentences and spaces, relevant links, bullet points, numbering and the highlighting of important parts of your text will help make information clear and engaging. It is also important that product offers stand out and you should make sure the product description paints a clear picture for the user and outlines the benefits.
  1. Encourage action. Your goal is not to attract random visitors but to make people want to act: subscribe to your newsletter, buy a product, comment, participate in a competition etc. Visitors should always be encouraged and guided to take action.
  1. Consistency. Branding and consistency is crucial. Your website design has to be user friendly and make your products stand out. Avoid distracting users with too much visual content that has nothing to do with your products.

Marketing plays an important role in ensuring good presentation of your website design. Make sure to take notice and apply these guidelines and your website will be a success in no time.

Do you want expert advice on your website design? For more information email or call T: +971505354612

Research is taken from: here